Net Zero Carbon Accounting
Sterling Grove Accounts aim to play a crucial role in minimising environmental damage and putting social responsibility at the heart of business strategy.
Sustainability is one of the burning issues of our times and is relevant to us all, regardless of where we live or how we earn our living.
As companies are rebuilding from the pandemic, there is a growing desire for a transformative and sustainable global recovery.
We help organisations adapt to the sustainable practices required to prevent resource depletion, facilitate long term success, and build a more sustainable future.
What is net carbon zero?
Net carbon zero is the position where your companies carbon footprint is zero. Net carbon zero can be reached by reducing and eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and, if necessary, offsetting whatever is left.
The UK has it signed into law, via the Climate Change Act, that the country will be net carbon zero by 2050.
Calculating Your Carbon Footprint
Calculating your companies carbon footprint can be considered as carbon accounting, and similar to creating your balance sheet, there are rules that you must follow. These rules are set by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol splits your greenhouse gas emissions into three measurable categories – scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3.
Scope 1 are direct emissions caused by any process or activity by the company that causes greenhouse gas emission.
Often this is in the form of fuels burnt on-site or by company-owned vehicles. Other forms are leaks of refrigerant gases (for example from refrigerators or air conditioning) or any emissions from industrial processes (for example from making cement).
Scope 2 are indirect emissions caused by your company purchasing energy (from sources you do not own or control). This is usually in the form of electricity, heat, or steam.
Calculating your scope 1 and scope 2 emissions should be relatively straightforward for most companies if you have all your fuel expenses and utility bills for the period you are calculating your carbon footprint for (usually 1 year).
Scope 3 emissions are all the indirect emissions that occur because of your business activity.
For example:
- waste (decomposing waste emits greenhouse gases)
- emissions related to any goods or services purchased (for example any fuel emitted transporting them)
- employees commuting to and from work
The Sterling Carbon Accounting Service
We can help to:
- Calculate your companies carbon footprint
- Identify opportunities to improve business sustainability
- Create a plan to achieve net zero by 2050
- Support you to implement the plan with regular updates
The first steps to calculating your carbon footprint will be to measure your scope 1 and 2 emissions which we can calculate through information like your fuel expenses, and electricity and heat used that can be converted to carbon emissions.
Our team of net zero accountants will work with you to calculate your companies carbon footprint in-line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and work with you to create a sustainable strategy and put a plan in place to reduce your carbon footprint over time.
Start your net zero journey today, contact us for a free consultation.
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